Integrating Business Software & Why You Should Hire Help
Software, without a doubt, makes life easier. As a designer with a variety of clients, you will not only feel more organized with a CRM and Project Management software, you will feel (and your whole business will look) more professional. There's software out there for everything these days, which means there is also another decision on your plate. Not to mention a learning curve on the horizon. Luckily for you, there are also Online Business Managers like me, and other specialized Virtual Assistants already experienced in multiple platforms, and ready and able to help your business flourish. So if you’re looking to integrate software into your business operations, then you should also hire help.
Integrating Software
I’ve talked before about various types of software available to interior designers. The list is long, and the abilities, look, intuitiveness, and ease of use of each varies. But it’s important to remember that software programs—specifically those set up for interior designers—will make life easier in the end. So how do you go about integrating software into your day-to-day business operations?
First, determine what you need help with: what feels disorganized? What sort of person would you hire to help your business if you could? Is there a process that’s clunky? What task falls through the cracks more often than not?
These are great questions to start with when deciding what type of business software you’d like to start using. If the problems are within your own team, a project management system like Asana might be the answer. If it’s contracts and questionnaires, HoneyBook or Dubsado can help. If it’s design or product management help you need, MyDoma or DesignFiles is what you’re looking for. Every program usually offers a free trial, so you can test one or two out, poke around, and see if it’s right for you. If not, don’t be afraid to try another. A CRM or project management software is no good to you if it doesn’t actually solve the problem.
Secondly, take the time to watch tutorials. Along with the dozens of platforms, there are hundreds of videos that will walk you through the process of setting up an account, creating automated processes, creating templates, and more. There are lots of people who have gone before you on this journey who have tons of knowledge to share.
However, if you’re not a DIY-er, if you don’t have tons of time, or if you’d like the whole thing to be set up for you without having to learn how yourself, then you might want to hire some help.
Hiring Help
Does this mean you’ll need an OBM? Yes. At least temporarily. I’ve worked with many firms who brought on Virtual Assistants to help with setup that were absolutely fabulous, but if the firm didn’t have their process plans in place first - it took way longer and was a lot tougher than when I came in first. An OBM can get your workflow organized, find out where your team is getting stuck, and plan for integrations that will help automate a lot of the busy work.
Most software programs fall into project management, CRM, and design and product management. In each field of platform—Asana & ClickUp, Dubsado & HoneyBook, MyDoma & Indema—respectively, have similar features and functions. And most are fairly straightforward to learn. The problem usually comes down to time, individual needs, and integration with existing programs. It takes time to learn the ins and outs, determine which features will actually serve your business, and set up processes, task lists, calendars, templates, invoices, client lists, and so on. That’s valuable time that, while definitely worth it in the end, might be missing from your schedule.
Online tutorials are great, but they require that you then also do all the work to set it up, after already dedicating time to learning how to do it. An Online Business Manager has already learned the software, they know how to set up processes, can recommend which platform might be best for you, and can plan the leg work behind the scenes as you continue to work with clients.
So, yes, hiring help will most likely look like bringing an OBM on, at least temporarily, to help process mapping before setup. The great benefit will be seen as you find your setup VA and have systems, structure, framework and arrangements ready to plug in!
How an OBM or Integrator Works For You
Most programs, while they can handle multiple aspects of your business, are designed to address general business concerns, making them available for any business type. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when you work in a niche like interior design, it’s nice to have programs and software that cater to your specific needs. As an OBM for interior designers, I think about solutions for every problem interior designers come up against when running their business.
From proposals & invoices, to team management, time tracking, reporting, calendar management, client portals, project phase management, contracts, tear sheets, file management, presentations and more! I know what interior designers need and address each aspect of their business.
As your OBM I:
Confirm and develop your Brand profile
Interview current team members
Create a process map
Establish processes and workflows
Create email, presentations, marketing and other internal templates
Create SOP’s and internal resource library
Make sure all your project phases are organized
Create task templates
Refer or recruit additional team members - either temporary or ongoing
Despite the learning curve, integrating software to address business needs is worth it. Your life and business get more organized, team members stay in the loop and get tasks done, clients see a well-established business, and you sleep well knowing everything is running smoothly. To add a little icing to the cake, you can hire help in the form of an OBM to take some of the learning curve off your plate and make integrating software even easier.
Get in touch to find out what software is best for you and start organizing your business today!